Jules Vaughn is a character of HBO’s ‘ EUPHORIA ’ &. I do not claim any ownership over her, the franchise, or any related property. However, as I do believe Mister Sam Levinson cannot write consistently, my portrayal of Jules will be heavily headcanon based &. canon divergent. My interpretation of her following ‘ Fuck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob ’ has her in a gender identity crisis ( adopting she / they pronouns ) &. embracing her sexual orientation as a lesbian.

Before interacting, please read through her VERSES to see where my portrayal of her differs from the canon ; reading through her DOSSIER / BIOGRAPHY may also help. You are also always welcome to dm me or send an ask for any questions you may have !


For Season 1 shipping, my interpretation is that she’s a lot more open to relationships in the first half, with all gender identities. Believing that she had to be attracted to men in order to be a woman, any relationships with men during this time would be strained &. superficial, aside from the connection she made with Tyler. Attempting to connect to women, she would have a harder time maintaining a relationship with someone femme-presenting but would be more open to it. For the second half, she had begun the realization of her sexuality &. would start avoiding any relationships with men, as well as struggle to find a relationship with anyone aside from Rue as she attempts to understand her feelings towards her. Although, since they never communicated their relationship to one another, &. due to Rue’s fickleness, she’s not completely closed off to a relationship.

For Season 2 shipping, Jules is fairly cemented in her love for Rue. There are times during the first half, when she begins doubting Rue’s loyalty, that she may act impulsively &. find herself in one-night stand situations, though she would not outright date another woman. During the second half, she has fully committed herself to Rue, both in love &. recovery, meaning that she is not emotionally available to anyone else during this time ; though she may begin doubting her sexuality again, any feelings she may catch she would not act on.

Most importantly, shipping is not a priority with this muse for me. Aside from the canon ( strained ) relationship of Jules &. Rue, unless something is borne from chemistry, that is not my focus in writing her. I would rather spend time building connections, friendships, &. other relationships that might not be explored in the canon story.

003. STORY

Throughout this blog &. my portrayal of Jules, there will be triggering content present ( drugs / alcohol, sexual themes, etc. ) that are heavily written into the show itself. I will always tag the proper content with a ‘ trigger tw ’ but I am imperfect. If I ever forget something, send me a msg / ask / anon &. I’ll take care of it asap. That said, this blog is 20+ as these themes are very heavy &. for my own comfort, writing with older writers is preferred.

BIOGRAPHY will contain a rough history of Jules from what we’ve been told, from the start of her transition through to the end of the second season. This will include any headcanons &. divergency I follow &. will be a good place to follow along ; I will include a timeline to follow along with as best as I can make it.

VERSES will more properly condense those stories into chunks of writing for my portrayal. As my Jules does not follow Season 2, this is a good place to find where our characters may have a changed relationship, as well as finding the best plot points to write with one another. I will eventually work on adapting my Jules into other fandoms, but seeing as I’m dogshit at writing verses, it might be a minute.


This is my THIRD BLOG – my other two being THE FOXSDEN &. PXSSYWHIPPED – I have a very busy schedule, I struggle with ADHD, all these factors in addition to the heavy nature of the show make my interactions more limited. I often will have muse for one character at a time &. chase those feelings until they fleet. Due to these reasons, this blog is PRIVATE / HIGHLY SELECTIVE &. LOW-ACTIVITY ( although with the season finale being so recent, I’ll likely be here more often ). This is simply to stop myself from becoming too overwhelmed ; if I follow you, I want to write with you.

Interactions are preferred to be plotted. I’m comfortable coming to you, I always take the initiative myself ( because I wanna make friends with y’all ), &. I prefer to have made first connections with mun before really writing muse. I work this by doing PLOTTING CALLS. Once we know each other a little better / know how our muses will work together, I’m much more open to freeform threads, spontaneous interactions, etc.

005. MISC

I will not be writing any SMUT for this character, I’m not comfortable writing to begin with, but as Jules is canonically underage, it is not something I will do. I know the show does not hold back but that is not representative of myself &. writing sexual themes is not something I am comfortable with. I’m fine with implications, flirting, etc. but I will draw the line at smut for Jules.

Everything is subject to change, nothing is permanent. I may disappear at times, completely forgetting this blog exists ; if that ever happens, I’m very sorry. Discord is probably the best place to reach me ( mutuals just ask for my @ ), but, honestly, I forget to look there too. Everything is constantly being updated / rewritten / improved here.

Unless otherwise stated, all graphics / blog art is created by myself ; if there’s ever a commission / use of another’s work, it will always be properly credited ! This carrd was made by me, &. blog theme by @octomoosey on tumblr !


My name’s Toad, I use THEY / THEM pronouns, &. I love both Jules Vaughn &. Hunter Schafer very much. Any sort of transphobia or trans-misogyny will NOT be tolerated on this ( or any of mine ) blog. Any hate will be disregarded &. lead to a HARDBLOCK. Jules makes poor decisions at times, especially in Season 1, but she has been streamlined by Sam Levinson &. lost most of her characterization. To return some of her humanity to her, I have put a lot of thought &. creation into my interpretation of her, please respect this as best you can. That said, I’m 21, I’ve got a kitten named HICKORY, &. I’m mostly here to scratch my creative itch &. meet some cold friends :)

Thank you for reading through this and putting up with the bullshit, I hope you love my Jules. Please never feel intimidated to say hello, I’m very friendly, I promise, and I love your blog. Remember to drink water and step up from your computer <3


NAME : Jules Vaughn
PARENT(S) : Amy Vaughn ( estranged ) &. David Vaughn
BIRTH DATE : Feb. 28, 2001
GENDER : Trans Woman ; She / They ; [ SEE BIOGRAPHY ]
ZODIAC : Pisces
POSITIVES : Creative, Nurturing, Caring, Strong-Willed, Independent, Aspirational.
NEGATIVES : Stubborn, Self-Doubting, Impulsive, Poor Decision Making, Uncommunicative.
HABITS / VICES : To close off when emotions become to complicated, to bite her tongue when she wants to speak her mind, to make a show in order to prove herself ; alcohol &. impulsive sex.
EDUCATION : Currently enrolled in Junior Year of High School at East Highland.

HEIGHT : 5 ’ 10 ”
WEIGHT : ~130 lbs.
HAIR : S1, long straight blonde with various dyes, from pink to blue to brown ; S2, short jaw length bob-type, often pulled back.
EYES : Pale Blue
SCARS / TATTOOS : Medical scars from HRT ; no tattoos as of now.
BODY TYPE : Tall, Slim, Doll-like.
ETHNICITY : White ; American
FACECLAIM : Hunter Schafer
RESIDENCE / CONDITION : Large house owned by her father, she sleeps in the upstairs bedroom that echoes an attic. Artsy, vibrant room that houses her uniquities, while the rest of her house feels sterile &. overtly clean.
SKILLS / HOBBIES : Creative design, drawing / painting, clothing design, modeling ; partying, making friendships, exploration, dressing others up.
GOALS / ASPIRATIONS : To one day go to college for fashion design / modeling, to become her own runway model with clothing lines, to eventually live with the girl she loves in their own apartment in the city.